Tour 1:
Market & Main Street
This tour is approximately one mile in length.
Tour 1 Map on page 12.
Town Fountain
The fountain was acquired by the town from the J. L. Mott Company in New York City and installed in the fall of 1892. The Bloomsburg Water Company informed Town Council it would supply free water for a fountain, and Town Council used money from the David Stroup estate for the purchase. In the late
1960s the fountain was moved to Town Park; some twenty years later it was re-installed and then in 2002 refurbished to its original appearance.
123 Market Street
St. Matthew Lutheran Church was designed by Ritter & Shay, Philadelphia architects, and opened in 1925 on the site of the original church. The building features a 20th Century Cathedral Style exterior with random coursed rockface and ashlar masonry (dressed stone). St. Matthew’s originated in St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church, founded in 1807; for fifty years it shared a building on First Street with the German Reformed congregation. In 1857 the Lutherans erected their own church and changed its name to St. Matthew. The education wing in the rear opened in 1957.
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