341 North Market Street
This is the David A. Sadock House , the home headquarters of the Berwick Historical Society. The house has ties to many prominent names in the history of Berwick. The property was originally owned by George Mack, the first business partner of Mordecai Jackson (Col. Clarence Jackson’s father). In 1839, the Mack family sold the 341 Market Street
property to Jesse and Anna Bowman. The Victorian-style house on the property was likely built sometime during the 34 years of the Bowman family’s ownership. Jesse Bowman and his family were instrumental in forming the Methodist Church in this area. In 1873, the property was sold to George and Susanna McBride. Four years later, as construction was getting underway on his new home across the street, Colonel Jackson negotiated with the McBride family to temporarily rent out their house. The Colonel, his wife Elisabeth and their two daughters, Henrietta and Jane, needed a place to live during the construction of their home. Upon George McBride’s death, the home was left to Susanna McBride and her two sons, William and Oscar. William conceded his share of the inheritance to Oscar and his wife Laura. When Oscar passed away in 1922, the home was left to his daughter L. Rachael McBride, who was the last McBride to live in the home. She sold the home in 1953. It was subsequently owned by the Kelchner and Decker families. The Sadock House is open for tours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Saturdays by appointment. For more information, call 570-759-8020.
• Before you approach East 3 rd Street, keep an eye out for the exposed brick alleyway on your right.
North Market Street Alley
This brick alley is one of the last remaining exposed brick-paved streets in Berwick. A large garage once stood to the south of the alley and was utilized by the Jackson & Woodin
Manufacturing Company. In its early days, the garage had space for wagons and over 70 horses. In 1936, it was referred to as the “Reo Garage” and was noted as having the first gasoline pump in Columbia County.
• This concludes Tour One. To begin Tour Two, cross North Market St. and head south toward East 2 nd St.
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