401 East Front Street
Originally the Charles Cameron Lockhart House , this Queen Anne Victorian home is notable for its segmented roof line with many steep pitches, hips and cross gables along with a dominant front facing gable. There is beautiful woodwork throughout the home and a grand staircase with leaded glass windows on the landing. The tower room has a view of the
Susquehanna River. It was the original home of Charles Cameron Lockhart, whose family moved in sometime between 1904 & 1912. The home later became known as the second Crispin mansion, occupied by Benjamin Crispin and wife Gladys from 1947 to 1958.
417 East Front Street
The Rogers-Oswald House has been confirmed to be attributed to the world famous architect George Franklin Barber (1834-1915), a successful architect of the late Victorian Period. His plans were used in all 50 states, including 14 known to be in Pennsylvania. Characteristics of this house identify it as Queen Anne, showing free classic design. In this style, classical columns
are used as porch supports which are raised on a pedestal to the level of the porch railings. Palladian windows were used along with gables that project beyond cutaway bay windows. A unique feature is the circular pavilion on the right side of the house. It is believed that C.L. Rogers built the house in the late 1880s and sold the house to Morrison Jackson Oswald sometime in the early 1920s. Morrison was employed at the First National Bank and also worked in the sales department of the American Car & Foundry Company.
429 East Front Street
This is the Cole House . This Folk Victorian style home was owned by Charles & Margaret Cole. It was said that the Coles installed a sunken rose garden where they would have very elaborate lawn parties. They also added columns and a porte
•This concludes Tour Two. Continue on East Front Street to start Tour Three. cochere in the Colonial Revival style. The Coles eventually sold the home to Michael Sherman, who was the proprietor of the Sherman Jewelry store located at 119 West Front Street. The home is currently owned by Dr. & Mrs. Frank Gegwich.
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