Kohl’s Stony Hill Tree Farm currently has over 100,000 ornaments for sale at their Christmas Shoppe!
road” and set up shop at the Lewisburg Farmer’s Market and the Route 15 flea market. Stan took a little air compressor along so that he was able to sit and make wreaths in between customers. Stan worked the Lewisburg Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays and Nancy went to the Route 15 flea market on Sundays so that Stan was able to tend the lot in Northumberland on Sundays. The new wreaths made at the markets would be taken back to the farm and Nancy would decorate them in the evenings. The next big step came to the farm in 1995 with the addition to their house which included a garage. They moved the wreath pro- duction from the basement of the house into the new garage. That also enabled them to do the branch clipping in the barn which was closer to the garage. Prior to having the garage, all the branch clippings were completed under the front porch. With the addition of the garage and being able to have a place where customers could come, they started doing “choose and cut” at the farm. Nancy was pretty much in charge of all of that and kept busy, so they hired a niece to do the Route 15 flea market on Sun- days. Stan continued to work the farmer’s market on Wednesdays and still manned the lot in Northumberland.
at their lot in Northumberland and a total of two at home. Nancy’s mother and sister started helping to make wreaths on the week- ends, and Stan was able to take branches along down to the lot in Northumberland to make more wreaths. In between customers he would sit in an old camping trailer and make wreaths while waiting for customers to stop by. Drilling the holes in the bottom of the tree made it much easier to set them up on the lot for display. It made the trees look like they were plant- ed there and people could look all the way around them. Prior to buying his own farm, Stan had planted 5,000 trees at his parent’s farm in Northum- berland. Those trees were now ready to cut, but they still had to buy many more trees.
By 2001 it was more than a little apparent to Nancy that making wreaths in the garage was not a great idea. While walking through
The Kohls decided to take their business “on the
Stan Kohl, owner of Kohl’s Stony Hill Tree Farm.
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