Car & Foundry Company ( AC&F). She sure looks beautiful with the mansion as a backdrop. Anyone who has ever driven through Christmas Boulevard in Berwick has driven right past her. The second statue in our region is located in Bloomsburg. This one stands on the corner of Market and Fifth Streets right in front of the main entrance for the Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary School. I did not find much information about the statue, but it seems as though it was also dedicated in 1951. An article from the Press Enterprise in 1986 did mention that the spikes on the headpiece were missing at one point. So, the next time you drive by one of these you will know the backstory, and you can enlighten those around you. Thanks again for reading along with this edition of History Under Your Nose, wherever you might be see- ing this. If you enjoyed this article, you are encouraged to join the HUYN family on Facebook.
LEFT: An article from the Press Enterprise on Saturday, July 5, 1986 discussing the re-dedication of the Statue at the Bloomsburg Elementary School. ABOVE: The Statue in front of the Elementary School and a close-up of the dedication plaque.
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