Columbia Montour Quarterly Vol. 3: January-March 2022


New Opportunities

for Wintertime Outdoor Fun in montour county

From the desk of Bob Stoudt, Executive Director of the Montour Area Recreation Commisssion

The Montour Area Recreation Commission (MARC) is excited to announce new opportunities for outdoor fun in our region this winter. Thanks to the ongoing support of the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau and the Montour County Commissioners, as well as the generous donations of local businesses and individuals including LIVIC Civil, Brookside Nursery, Ski Valley Bike, Board, Ski & Skate, Stetler Insurance, Sori Lawn Care & Landscaping, Frosty Valley Resort, Animal Care Center, and TS and Karen Scott, MARC has been able to purchase a new Snowdog trail vehicle (learn more at, as well as trail grooming attachments for both cross-country skiing and singletrack mountain biking.

local trails for cross-country skiing and fat tire mountain biking. Specifically, MARC plans to groom trails for cross- country skiing at the Hess Recreation Area (Hess Loop Trail), the Montour Preserve (Chilisuagi Trail and Goose Woods Trail), and the North Branch Canal Trail. MARC plans to groom the trails at the Hopewell Park / Danville Borough Farm Trail System for fat tire mountain biking. Additional trails may be added if conditions allow.

According to Bob Stoudt, MARC Director, “MARC has been working for more than sixteen years to acquire, develop, and promote park and trail resources in our community. We are extremely fortunate to now have more than 38 miles of trails in more than 2,100 acres of publicly-accessible lands throughout Montour County,

Snowdog photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

As a result, when the snow flies this winter, MARC staff and volunteers will get to work grooming some of our favorite


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