Columbia Montour Quarterly Vol. 3: January-March 2022


in Your Backyard by Alana Jajko

The Susquehanna Greenway is full of opportunities to get outside and view wildlife right in your backyard. From wily squirrels and rabbits to our many feathered friends, there is plenty to see with- out venturing too far from home, and this February what you see in your backyard could help researchers. Each year, mid-February marks the date for the annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). During this time, “birders” (both novice and advanced) from across the country are asked to count birds in their backyards and region and report their sightings at In preparation of the event, we’ve gathered some insights from a seasoned birdwatcher, local resident, and member of the Ly- coming Audubon Society to help you participate during the GBBC!

Article and photos designated with name credit are courtesy of the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership;

The Birdwatcher

Jim Dunn of Williamsport has been a member of the Lycoming Audubon Society for 16 years. His interest in birding began when his son, Sean, became fascinated by the variety of birds that visit- ed their backyard feeder. Wanting to learn more about their flying visitors, Jim bought his son a guidebook to birds and together a passion for birding was born. “What you find is, once you know a little bit, then you start con- sciously thinking about it everywhere you go—on a walk, on a drive, anything you do,” noted Dunn. “You notice them. Then you start identifying them, the more knowledge you acquire, the more interested you get. This is why it’s the largest hobby in the world!”

What are your tips for those just starting out?

The biggest tip when embarking on a birdwatching adventure is to stop…wait… and most importantly listen. A little patience goes a long way. Dunn explains, “You can walk through an area back and forth and you might not see anything, but if you stop and take five minutes to just stand there, be silent, and look around, the birds will come to check you out. They get curious!.”

If you want to prepare one step further, bring along a small pack with a pair of binoculars and a field guide. There are even apps for


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