Member Spotlight The Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau is proud to welcome the following businesses as recent new members to the organization!
joy and smiles gifts Bloomsburg, PA 17815 joyandsmilesgifts.com • 570.764.0109
Joy and Smiles offers an easy way to send a personalized, creative and unique gift to your friends and loved ones. Services include fun Sing-a-Grams, hand-delivered gift baskets, treat arrangements, college care packages, and much more.
shiloh bible church 123 Church Street, PA 17815 shilohbiblechurchbloomsburg.org • 570.784.3456
Wake up your Sunday mornings at Shiloh Bible Church! This is a great place to meet new friends, find needed encouragement, and discover God’s plan for your life. We invite you to join us for worship. Service are at 8:20 am, 9:40 am, and 11 am.
west end ale haus 117 West Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 westendalehaus.com • 570.784.3500
In the heart of downtown Bloomsburg, West End Ale Haus has remodeled the location of the former Russell’s & Kristy’s Pub and still provides an unbeatable beer list and tre- mendous food all in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Come and see for your- self, West End Ale Haus, a new tradition for all.
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