Columbia-Montour Quarterly Vol. 13: July-September 2024

impression of them was that they are very friendly, enthusiastic, and incredibly hard-working folks. They have two successful businesses (they also own and run Susquehanna Tree Care), they fish commercially every summer, and are raising two kids. Wild for Salmon is a thriving, successful business, providing excellent seafood we wouldn’t normally have access to. Many of us would have been content with that, but the Kurians aren’t the kind of folks to sit back and take it easy. They decided it was time to expand their original building and put in a café! The newly renovated building is stunning, and the new café is the perfect anchor to bring people together. With its warm outdoorsy facade and welcoming interior, the café is sure to become a hub for locals and visitors alike. The transformation of the former warehouse into a more vibrant storefront has already generated buzz and attracted curious customers, and the café’s focus on fresh seafood and local produce will surely keep them coming back. Wild for Salmon’s commitment to quality over quantity is a refreshing approach in today’s fast- paced food scene. By limiting their menu to a carefully curated selection of dishes, they’re able to focus on using only the freshest ingredients and ensuring that every dish that leaves the kitchen is truly exceptional. In-house Chef Nicole is a talented chef and food enthusiast bringing a fresh and seasonal vibe to the menu. The café will feature sandwiches, tacos, soups, fish and chips, sushi and more that will include high end local ingredients from businesses like Bloomin’ Bagel and Fog and Flame. And yes, there will be options like fish sticks and salmon bites for kids. Try it in the café and buy the ingredients in the store to make it or any other of the dozens of dishes that Chef Nicole has created. The website is full of taste tested, step by step recipes. The café is open Tuesday – Saturday, 9am to 3pm. When guests are finished with lunch, they can head into the expanded storefront and shop the many options Wild for Salmon has to offer. Their own sockeye salmon is available in a variety of ways: by the fillet, as salmon burgers or sausage, stuffed into raviolis, Nova-style smoked and smoked

ABOVE: Wild for Salmon’s store before the renovations. BELOW: The newly renovated building is completed!


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